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Media & Press
Most Recent First, Except for Two TV Documentaries (2021 & 2019).
BBC Earth (2024) - Giant 'living tractors' [water buffalo] are bringing nature back to post-industrial wastelands.
Earth.com (2024) - Cattle have intricate social lives that aren't readily apparent
NPR Goats and Soda (2024) - Here's why you should never say, 'You're as stupid as a goat'
BBC, CBBC Newsround (2024) - Goats can tell how humans are feeling by hearing their voice
Popular Science (2022) - Can artificial intelligence help us understand animals?
Poultry World (2022) - Artificial Intelligence to detect poultry distress
New Scientist (2022) - AI that detects chicken distress calls could improve farm conditions
The Guardian (2022) - AI could improve welfare of farmed chickens by listening to their squawks
SCIENCE (2022) - Artificial intelligence could spot baby chickens in distress
Biologia In Situ (2022) (in Portuguese) - Cangurus: bem ou mal encarados?
Scientific American (2021) - Kangaroos with Puppy Dog Eyes
BBC News (2020) - Kangaroos can 'communicate' with humans
PHYSORG (2020) - Kangaroos can intentionally communicate with humans
New York Times (2020) - ‘A Social Species’: How Kangaroos Communicate With People
University of Sydney (2020) - What's up Skip? Kangaroos really can 'talk' to us
The Independent (2020) - Anger as Instagram refuses to remove ‘vile’ videos of animal cruelty published as ‘entertainment’
Earth.com (2020) - Distress calls from baby chicks predict the health of the whole flock
PHYSORG (2020) - Simple way of 'listening' to chicks could dramatically improve welfare
People (2020) - Study Finds Goats Can Understand Human Gestures Like Pointing
Animal Professional Podcast by DOOBERT.COM - Supporting animal rescue organizations and their volunteers by improving the coordination and communications required during animal rescue (2020) - WEB LINK
PHYSORG (2019) - Goats can distinguish emotions from the calls of other goats
The Guardian (2019) - Goats can distinguish emotions from each other's calls
National Geographic (2019) - Goats can perceive each other’s emotions from their voices
New Scientist (2019) - Goats reveal their feelings with the sound of distinctive bleats
The Washington Post (2018) - Step one for befriending a goat: Smile
China Daily (2018) - I'm not kidding: Goats can read your face
The Hans India (2018) - Goats prefer smiling human faces to grumpy ones
JORNAL DA USP (BRAZIL) (2018) (in Portuguese) - Cabras surpreendem cientistas ao identificar expressões faciais humanas
Europe1 (France) (2018) (in French) - Les chèvres préfèrent les visages heureux
PHYSORG (2018) - Goats prefer happy people
BBC News (2018) - Goats drawn to happy human faces
Sheep Pig Goat (2017) - "A creative research project that brings together dancers, singers, musicians, sheep, pigs, goats and other animals, to explore communication and empathy between species."
SCIENCE (2017) - Goats know what their friends sound like
PHYSORG (2016) - Goats, sheep and cows could challenge dogs for title of 'man's best friend'
SCIENCE (2016) - These goats stare at men—when they want help
PHYSORG (2016) - Could goats become man's best friend?
PHYSORG (2015) - Fallow deer are all about the bass when sizing up rivals
PHYSORG (2014) - Researchers listen in on 'conversations' between calves and their mothers
PHYSORG (2014) - Animal welfare could be improved by new understanding of their emotions
BBC News (2014) - Cow researchers find meanings behind moos
Popular Science (2014) - Animal welfare could be improved by new understanding of their emotions
BUZZFEED (2014) - A 3-Step Guide To Knowing If Your Goat Is Happy
National Public Radio (NPR) (2014) - How Can You Tell If Your Goat Is Happy? Now We Know!
Scientific American (2014) - Bucks Groan Loud and Fast to Get the Girl
BioMed Central (2014) - Goats, the boffins of the farmyard
Modern Farmer (2014) - Goats Smarts: No longer the Barnyard Idiots
Spiegel (2014) (in German) - Ziegen errinnern sich an komplizierte Tricks
ScienceDaily (2014) - Goats: far more clever than previously thought, with excellent memory
PHYSORG (2014) - Goats are far more clever than previously thought
PHYSORG (2014) - Fight or flight? Vocal cues help deer decide during mating season
PHYSORG (2013) - What's in a name?
The Age (2013) - Size matters in the naming game
Huffington Post (2013) - Baby Name And Gender: Do Parents Unconsciously Pick 'Big' And 'Small' Sounding Name?
The Telegraph (2013) - Boys' names designed to 'sound larger'
The Independent (2013) - Parents influenced by evolutionary tendency when naming children
BBC News (2013) - Happy goats: How animal rehab works
PHYSORG (2013) - Rescue me: New study finds animals do recover from neglect
SEEKER (2013) - Goats Can Recover From Neglect
Science World Report (2013) - Sanctuary: Animals Find a New Life in a New Home
PHYSORG (2013) - Female deer take control during the mating season
Independent.ie (2012) - Mother Goats 'Know Kids' Voice' After a Year Apart
Sydney Morning Herald (2012) - Goats Remember Kids' Voices After 12 Months
Huffington Post (2012) - Mother Goats Remember Kids' Bleats Even After Long Separation, Study Shows
Inkfish (2012) - Goat Moms Recognize Their Kids Saying "Ma!"
New York Times (2012) - Mother Goats Can recognize Kids Bleats After Separation
Live Science (2012) - Baa, Baa Mama! Goats Remember Their Babies' Cries
ScienceDaily (2012) - Goat Kids Can Develop Accents
New Scientist (2012) - Young goats can develop distinct accents
PHYSORG (2012) - Mother goats do not forget kids, recognize their voices a year after weaning
Pour La Science (2012) (in French) - L'accent des chèvres
Corriere Della Sera (2012) (in Italian) - Anche le capre hanno un loro accento
National Geographic Brazil (2012) (in Portuguese) - Cabras podem desenvolver sotaques, revela pesquisa
Scientific American (2012) - Upbleat Finding: Kids Start to Sound Alike over Time
Scienceline (2011) - Are you my mother?
PHYSORG (2011) - Mother and kid goat vocals strike a chord
BBC Earth News (2011) - Goats recognise their kids' voices
El Mundo (2011) (in Spanish) - Female deer confirm bigger is not always better when choosing a mate
ScienceDaily (2011) - Female deer confirm bigger is not always better when choosing a mate
The Guardian (2010) - Women with high-pitched voices go nuts over men with deep voices
Dradio.de (2010) (in German) - Bei Damhirschen altert auch die Stimme mit
PHYSORG (2010) - Honest Deer Every Year
PHYSORG (2009) - Fallow deer become hoarse in the hunt for a mate
Countrylife (2009) - Deer become hoarse in the hunt for a mate
Hirsche (2009) - Heiser durch Partnersuche
Medical Xpress (2008) - Disease clues passed from mothers to offspring
BBC Autumnwatch (2008) - Listen to an audio interview with scientist Dr. Alan McElligott who studies fallow deer
Daily Telegraph (2008) - Females prefer 'a low a deep groan'
PHYSORG (2008) - The groan says it all -- dominant male deer have the deepest calls
Science Daily (2008) - Honest Lovers? Fallow Buck Groans Reveal Their Status And Size During The Rut
Science Daily (2006) - Mother Deer Cannot Recognize The Calls Of Their Own Offspring But Sheep And Reindeer Can
Potential PhD Research
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